Friday, July 2, 2010

First Things First.

My husband has been a vegetarian for over 15 years.

He didn't do it as part of some political agenda, or because he wanted to become a health nut. He just decided one day that he liked animals too much and that he didn't want to eat them anymore.

We have been together for 14 years, and married for 7 and I've learned a lot.

First, I had to learn how to cook. That was the easy part. (Fortunately, my mother -Judy Eschbacher- is the best gourmet cook in the world. I try to channel her cooking energy with regularity.)

Second, I had to learn how to keep meals interesting without including any meat at all. How'd I do it? I adapted meat recipes into vegetarian recipes by substituting ingredients.

I am not a vegetarian, but I have the utmost respect for my husband's dedication too this.

I plan to provide some great recipes and also recommend some wonderful local restaurants that are "vegetarian friendly". I'll also discuss some things that aren't so great about being vegetarian (traveling comes to mind).

Off we go! ...........Bon Appetit!

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